The last few years have been A LOT!  I had covid three times (how lucky am I) and then pneumonia, the  upshot of which is I now have COPD enhanced with asthma.  I guess that’s what happens when you’re an old fart and think you have no underlying conditions!  That has meant some radical changes for me, as you can imagine.

The most important change is my switch from making pottery to working exclusively on paper with ink and watercolour. Most of you know that even when I was making pots I was still engaged in my first love, which was making art that reflected my life — generally in ink, enhanced by watercolour. Many of you have also bought my art work, in fact some of you have a sort of retrospective of my work!  I have always appreciated that support.

You can see that the website has changed, the focus is no longer on pots but on my work on paper.  I’ve been working away at taking pictures of my newer work, but that hasn’t been going great (as you’ll see by the quality of the pics on the website) but I have a professional coming in March who is going to teach me how to capture the best shots for the best use, so I’ll be able to make some decent reproductions as well. Making art is one thing, the learning curve on reaching people with the art is another. Love to learn new stuff, so this is great for me!  The website has changed, as well as the name — no longer Practically Potty Studio (or — now I’m Susan McDonald Studio!

There are some new venues for the work on paper coming up shortly — in the meantime if you are still looking for my pots, you can find a selection at the Tara General Market (on the main street in Tara) but once they are gone, they are gone.  It’s the end of an era for me but I’m looking forward to the changes this will bring.  Time for a restart anyway.  Can’t believe I lasted 25 years making pots!

Sending love to you all,

Susan McDonald