Whew! What a job!!! NOW I understand why I should have been more organized with my pictures — AND, darn, do you suppose I can remember dates and places? Going to have to find my old CV to see where I was when!!!
But, if you’d like to see a little historical wandering, have a look at the About Susan Page, and the Gallery has some of what’s new in the studio. I have SO MUCH framing to do — for the studio tour and for the coming shows elsewhere (look at events!).
In the meantime, more friggin’ health challenges and self-imposed time constraints. You probably understand that … and a small showroom of pottery to move onto it’s forever home. So, going to organize myself and have a blow-out sale of that toward the end of June or sometime in July. Next week we have painters doing the inside of the house, and excavators coming to do the outside a week or two after. Confusion will reign! I’m allergic to the paint smell so I’ll leave the hubby to deal with the painters (colours have already been picked!) and head toward some buddies in Port Hope (tired just thinking about it!). I’ll have to move my buns and get lots of framing done first … or I’ll be framing at the end of June in time for the Studio Tour!
Will post some pics of framing … too busy now to upload more pics!
Hope you are well and enjoying the more summerly weather …
See you on the flip side!
Susan McD